We Four Bears

A site about our family! Mostly or all actually of Josie and Dana. I mean who cares about us anymore anyway?

Monday, December 24, 2007

First Snow Trip!

Some pics from the last week. Josie made her first visit to the snow. She is like her mommy, not a fan of it. She didn't want to touch it, but at least we got some pics of her in it.

Josie's first fishing trip. Josie with Grandma. And our Reindeer Bailey.....
If you click on this YouTube link, it's a 30 second video of Josie watching Barney sing, "When You're Happy & You Know It". She's got the clapping down, and she is trying hard to get the stomping feet part down. Watch at the end, you can see she is trying to stomp her feet.


Friday, December 07, 2007

US pics for Baby #2, due in March

As you all know by now, we are expecting baby #2 in March. Here are some US pictures taken at 19 - 20 weeks. We won't be finding out the sex until the baby comes out to greet us in March!

Shot of head and tummy. The first darker spot near the top of the chest is its heart. The other black spot that looks long and narrow is the stomach. Hopefully you can see the nose and mouth without much help.

Butt cheeks!

Foot with all 5 toes accountable.
Hand near mouth
(this pic is vertical)


Mommy's favorite pics of the last couple weeks.

Natalie puts Josie's hair in pony tails.

Not a fan of Santa this year :(
