We Four Bears

A site about our family! Mostly or all actually of Josie and Dana. I mean who cares about us anymore anyway?

Thursday, June 07, 2007

A little visitor!

On Saturday night Alex and I babysat Alexis from Josie's daycare. Alexis is 2 months older than Josie. They had fun together. When Alexis got here, Josie laughed and clapped, then crawled over to her, and all four of us are pretty sure Josie tried to give her a hug. She put her arm and upper body around Alexis' head. It was pretty cute. She was so happy to have a friend at her house. Alexis' parents and us are going to take turns having 'date nights', this way neither of us will have to pay a babysitter, and our kids will have each other to play with as well.

This next photo is of Josie examining bath bubbles on her hand. This was Josie's first bath with bubbles. If that sounds crazy to you it's because she had a slight case of eczema before and her doctor warned against lots of soaps. But, her eczema has been gone for months, so I thought I would try some. She wasn't so sure about the bubbles at first though.



  • At 6:53 AM, Blogger ThatBeeGirl said…

    kiddie porn on the 'net! ;)
    yay for kids having playdates, and parents saving monies on babysitting.
    i think.


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