We Four Bears

A site about our family! Mostly or all actually of Josie and Dana. I mean who cares about us anymore anyway?

Friday, November 07, 2008


So, this morning I was in the shower when Josie got out of bed. She came and told me that she went poop. I immediately thought, "uh-oh, she must have went in her pants". I asked her if she went in her pants, and she replied, "I went in the potty". I hate to admit it, but I didn't believe that she would do this by herself. I then asked her if she flushed and she said no. I quickly got wrapped up in a towel and ran off with her to see. Sure enough, she got up on the potty herself using her stool (no pun intended), and went #2 all by herself.

A proud moment for a mommy indeed!



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