We Four Bears

A site about our family! Mostly or all actually of Josie and Dana. I mean who cares about us anymore anyway?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Goodbye nasty, old, aluminum, inefficient, dirty & ugly 8 foot slider!!!

Before and after. I don't think they meant for those doors to ever come out when they put them in 40 years ago. It proved quite a job! We removed the moving door alright, but the stationary side.....uh....it shattered during the removal process. Yeh....that wasn't fun. This is cool though because we are now able to visualize what our house is going to really look like after this is all done. Can't wait! Too bad I have to.

Josie reading "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See"? ..."I see a red bird looking at me". Sorry, I can't say the first line without the second, and the third and so on. I can recite all animals of that book in order now. Anyway, about the picture -when I took this picture I was trying to get a shot of Josie actually looking at the book. But, this little girl hears the camera open and Miss Nosey Josie looks to find it, making it very hard to take pictures of her without her knowing and looking at the camera.



  • At 6:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have a feeling "Miss Nosey Josie" will be her nickname for years to come, especially as she gets more mobile -- it's too darn cute!

    I can't imagine removing sliding glass doors! I really really really want to change mine out to vinyl-type windows to match the rest of my place, but...mebbe not.

  • At 3:06 PM, Blogger 3 Peas in a Pod said…

    The house looks great- what progress you are making!

    As for Josie she looks like she is reading the way that she is lying there.....too cute!


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