We Four Bears

A site about our family! Mostly or all actually of Josie and Dana. I mean who cares about us anymore anyway?

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Josie's baptism and learning to clap!

Josie has learned how to clap, and she seems to think it is way more fun than waving. She claps all the time, we clap, she claps, or she claps and then we clap. I actually caught a shot of her clapping.

Josie was baptised on Saturday. She looked precious in her baptism gown, which just happened to be the same one me and my sisters wore. So, it's about 39 years old.

With Godparents - Nonu and a happy Josie



  • At 11:25 AM, Blogger Marcy said…

    Aw, that's so cool that you have that history for her baptismal dress. =)

  • At 7:05 AM, Blogger ThatBeeGirl said…

    love the clapping bit!


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